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Growatt Solar Inverter On-Grid PV Power Inverter 11kW 15kW 20kW 25kW 30kW

Growatt Solar Inverter On-Grid PV Power Inverter 11kW 15kW 20kW 25kW 30kW
Brand Name: Growatt
Model Number: MID 11-30KTL3-XH
AC grid connection type: 3W+N+PE
No. of MPP Trackers: 2/3 MPPTs
Compatible Battery: APX HV Battery System (5kWh~60kWh)
Operating Voltage Range: 600V-980V
Size: 580*435*230mm
Weight: 31kg
original price:
$ 1200.00
discount price:
$ 1200.00

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