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How much more electricity can the Hi-mo 9 solar panel generate? What increase in revenue does it bring?

Views: 2000     Author: Rachel     Publish Time: 05-08-2024      Origin: company official website

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Yesterday, Longi Hi-mo 9 solar panels were launched in Madrid, Spain, with a strong emphasis on the term "efficiency".

It is reported that the Hi-mo 9 utilizes Longi's proprietary high-quality Taiko silicon wafers, achieving a conversion efficiency of up to 24.43%. This figure once again surpasses industry records, sparking discussions and attention from various quarters.

At the same time, this solar panel, based on efficient HPBC 2.0 cell technology, can achieve a maximum power of 660W.

What do these two specific figures mean? Let's take a look at the table below:

Power Comparison Tablefor ldentical Model Components

This table compares several popular brands of solar panels currently on the market, all using 182 cells and a 72-cell type, with dimensions of 2278mm*1134mm. Although the specific dimensions of the Hi-mo 9 have not been disclosed, based on Longi's previous product data trends, the size change is likely to be minimal.

Clearly, the Hi-mo 9 boasts the highest conversion efficiency, allowing for higher power generation within the same solar panel dimensions.

Specifically, assuming the construction of a commercial photovoltaic power station within the same building area. Solar panels with dimensions of approximately 2278mm*1134mm can accommodate a total of 1700 panels.

If 590W solar panels are used, the overall power of the commercial power station is approximately 1MW:


If Longi Hi-mo 9 solar panels are used, the total power can reach a maximum of approximately 1.1MW:


Longi Himo 9 LR7-72HYD 625-660M

(Sources: LONGI Hi-mo 9)

With higher power generation from the same area, higher returns can be achieved. This is the significance of the figures 24.43% and 660W.

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